Whistle Blower System

Group 354

Complying with statutory regulations and internal rules has top priority at NIRA Dynamics. The success of our company is based on Integrity and Compliance. To meet this standard, it is important to learn of potential employee misconduct and to put a stop to it. To be able to comply with EU Whistleblower regulations and competition law we at NIRA Dynamics have our own whistleblower system. A so-called Suitable Body, consisting of Head of People & Organization and CFO will examine every report thoroughly and follow it up systematically.

A key pillar of our Whistleblower System is the principle of procedural fairness. It also guarantees protection for whistleblowers, persons implicated and employees contributing to the investigation of reported misconduct. This also includes offering opportunities for anonymous reporting and communication. We assure not to perform any steps in order to identify anonymous whistleblowers, who do not misuse our Whistleblower System. Retaliation of whistleblowers and all persons who contribute to investigations at NIRA Dynamics will not be tolerated. Persons implicated are presumed innocent until the violation is proven. Investigations will be conducted with the utmost confidentiality. The information will be processed in a fair, fast and protected process.

Information in Swedish

Att följa lagstadgade regler och interna regler samt principerna i vår uppförandekod har högsta prioritet hos NIRA Dynamics. Det är viktigt att lära sig om potentiella anställdas eller leverantörers missförhållanden och att sätta stopp för det. För att kunna följa konkurrenslagstiftning och EU:s Whistleblower-regler har vi på NIRA Dynamics ett eget Whistleblower-system. Med utgångspunkt i principen om processuell rättvisa garanterar Whistleblower-systemet största möjliga skydd för visselblåsare, inblandade personer och anställda som bidrar till utredningen av rapporterade missförhållanden.


Do you have any concern or feedback regarding a NIRA Dynamics product or service?

If you have any questions or inquiries, feedback or complaints about services provided by NIRA Dynamics or our business partners (e.g. car dealerships, workshops), please find appropriate contacts here. We kindly ask for your understanding that the Whistleblower System unfortunately cannot process customer complaints.

Making a report to our Whistleblower System

The Whistleblower System offers different channels to report potential employee misconduct or potential violations of the Code of Conduct for Business Partners by suppliers in our Supply Chain, that allow a swift review and reaction by our company if necessary.

However this does not affect the statutory right to contact designated authorities as described below.


You can get in contact with the Suitable Body of NIRA Dynamics via e-mail:



Information in Swedish: 

Genom NIRA Dynamics visselblåsarsystem så kan du rapportera om möjliga missförhållanden och oegentligheter hos NIRA Dynamics och hos våra leverantörer. Du kan rapportera via denna epost-adress: whistleblower@niradynamics.se

Det går även att skicka brev eller komma in till vårt kontor i Linköping, adressen ser du nedan.

Making a report to our Whistleblower System – Online Reporting Channel

You have the option of using a web-based communication platform [BKMS Link*] to contact the Investigation Office in many languages. This system is confidential and technically secured. 

Even if your preferred language is not offered in the reporting channel, you can use any language to submit your report. You can also contact the Investigation Office in any language via e-mail or mail. 

*Link: Inledning (bkms-system.com)


Information in Swedish: 

Du har möjlighet att använda en webbaserad kommunikationsplattform, BKMS Länk*, för att kontakta utredningsbyrån på många språk. Detta system är konfidentiellt och tekniskt säkrat. 

Även om ditt föredragna språk inte erbjuds i rapporteringskanalen kan du använda vilket språk som helst för att skicka in din rapport. Du kan också kontakta utredningsbyrån på valfritt språk via e-post eller post.

*Länk BKMS: Inledning (bkms-system.com)


Making a report to our Whistleblower System – Postal address /in person

Postal address:

Mark envelope: Compliance Manager

Wallenbergs gata 4

58330 Linköping


In person:

Wallenbergs gata 4

58330 Linköping


Please make an appointment in advance via email to: whistleblower@niradynamics.se

How do we process your report

The Suitable Body examines every report for potential misconduct by a NIRA Dynamics employee or supplier thoroughly and follow it up systematically. First, you will get a confirmation of receipt. The Suitable Body then assesses your report. This includes gathering facts particularly from the whistleblower. Only if this initial evaluation shows grounds for suspicion of a violation an investigation will start. Afterwards, the results of the investigation will be assessed by the Suitable Body and appropriate measures will be taken. Information about the status* and the outcome of the procedure will be given to you without undue delay.

Potential violations of the Code of Conduct by suppliers, including serious risks and violations of human rights and environment by direct and indirect suppliers, can also be reported to the Suitable Body - as well as reports requiring otherwise immediate action. The Suitable Body will inform the responsible departments, who will process the issue accordingly. This particularly includes taking the necessary measures to minimize or end violations and/or risks.

Find more information on the procedural principles of NIRA Dynamics procedure here.

* The processing time varies depending on the subject of the procedure


Do you have further questions?

Questions concerning the Whistleblower System at NIRA Dynamics can also be addressed to our Compliance Manager/responsible function via compliance@niradynamics.se

If you have been interviewed in terms of an investigation, you have the possibility to give feedback to the Ombudsperson as independent body. NIRA Dynamics has appointed external lawyers to act as Ombudspersons. They advise on the Whistleblower System or ensure that reports from whistleblowers are forwarded anonymously to the Investigation Office if desired. 

If you want to get in contact with the Ombudsperson you can find their contact details here: https://www.ombudsmen-of-volkswagen.com/


Information in Swedish

Har du ytterligare frågor eller söker en lokal kontakt?

Frågor om Whistleblower-systemet hos NIRA Dynamics kan också ställas till vår Compliance Manager/ansvarig funktion via compliance@niradynamics.se
Om du har intervjuats i en utredning har du möjlighet att ge feedback till en Ombudsman som ett oberoende organ. NIRA Dynamics utsett externa jurister till ombudsmän. De ger råd om visselblåsarsystemet eller ser till att rapporter från visselblåsare vidarebefordras anonymt till utredningskontoret om så önskas.

Om du vill komma i kontakt med ombudsmannen hittar du deras kontaktuppgifter via denna länk: https://www.ombudsmen-of-volkswagen.com/


External Reporting Channel of Sweden

The Swedish government has defined designated authorities, that also accept reports on misconduct as external reporting channels. The Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) is the main authority for whistleblower reporting, if there is no other suitable authority. Please visit their webpage for further information: https://www.av.se/en/about-us/contact-us/contact-form/

One can also leave tip-offs with the police: https://polisen.se/en/contacting-the-police/

Information in Swedish

Externa rapporteringskanaler

I Sverige finns, av regeringen, utsedda myndigheter som även tar emot anmälningar om missförhållanden, s.k. externa rapporteringskanaler. Arbetsmiljöverket är huvudmyndighet för rapportering, om det inte finns någon annan lämplig myndighet. Besök gärna deras hemsida för mer information: https://www.av.se/sv/om-oss/kontakt-oss/

Relevanta rapporteringskanaler är:

Det finns även möjlighet att lämna tips till polisen: https://polisen.se/en/contacting-the-police/


External Reporting Channel of Volkswagen

Central Investigation Office

Box 1717

38436 Wolfsburg

